The unique line twist remover that allows you to control and manage the build up of line twist that will always accumulate in your mainline whilst using your reel’s clutch and free-spool/baitrunner mechanism, or after spooling up for the first time.

Most anglers rely on their fishing reel’s clutch whilst playing fish – but most don’t realise each time that your reel spool turns 360 degrees, you are putting an additional single twist in your reel line. Now imagine how many times this happens whilst you’re playing a carp, or the twists that are putting into the reel line when you get a run and the fish tears off against it accompanied by a screaming buzzer.

Severe line twist will weaken the mainline, cause frap-ups and tangles during the cast and can make the line unmanageable whilst adjusting bite indicators and changing rigs, etc. During normal use a high proportion of the twist is pushed down towards the terminal tackle as you reel in and concentrated in the last few rod lengths of line, potentially damaging it and leaving it looking coiled and untidy and ultimately reducing its performance.

40g (Yellow)
70g (Red)
100g (White)